$1,200.00 USD

Every month

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6-month Commitment

  • Monthly price $1,200.00 Total Cost: $7,200.00
  • Price today $5,760.00 Savings of $1,440.00. You will receive an invoice for the remaining balance before your first session.

 What you'll get:

  • 2 Sessions 2 hrs. each; meet twice a month in person, virtual, or both
  • 4 Sessions 1 hour each


Coaching Outline

  • Session 1
    • Discovery
  • Session 2
    • The Inner You-Triad of Emotions
  • Session 3
    • Creating Definite Purpose
  • Session 4 
    • Developing Will Power
  • Session 5
    • Sustaining Your Identity
  • Session 6
    • Feeding Purpose
  • Session 7
    •  Fulfilling of Destiny
  • Session 8 
    • Budgeting for Success
  • Session 9
    • Building A Team
  • Session 10 
    • Create a Daily Systems Handbook