$1,200.00 USD

Every month

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What you'll get:

  • 3-month Commitment
    • Monthly price $1,200 Total Cost $3,600.00
    • Pay in Full Option Today Only $3,168.00 Savings of $432.00. You will receive an invoice for the remaining balance before your first session.   
      • 2 Sessions 2 hrs. each; meet twice a month in person, virtual, or both
      • 4 Sessions 1 hour each.

Coaching Outline

  • Session 1 Discovery
    • Identify Desired Future
    • Set Goals for Achievement
    • Start the Self-Discovery Process
  • Session 2 The Inner You-Emotions
    • Understanding how you process your 6 basic needs
    • Explaining the six basic needs
    • Reorienting your six basic needs
  • Session 3 Creating Definite Purpose
    • Identify Your Purpose
    • Trait a Pathway to Success
    • Creating Your Own Happiness
  • Session 4 Developing Will Power 
    • Learning How to Say NO
    • Controlling the Triad of Emotions
  • Session 5 Sustaining Your Identity
    • Understanding & Developing Motivations
    • Understanding Enactive Self Mastery
    • Identifying Roles Models
    • Verbal & Social Persuasions
  • Session 6 Sustaining Purpose 
    • Spiritual Energy: Meditation and Prayer
    • Personal Energy: The One Thing
    • Emotional Energy: Relationships
    • Physical Energy: Health
    • Mental Energy: Goals Setting
  • Session 7 Fulfilling Your Destiny 
    • Eliminating Bad Relationships
    • Create Mutual Beneficial Relationships
    • Learn to Block Your Time
    • Accept that Chaos in Going to Happen
    • Continue to Educate
    • Maintain Coaching Connection
    • Focus on Becoming Rather Than Arriving
    • Don't Be Derailed
    • Daily Expectations

Live FULFILLED in 2022!!!