$97.00 USD

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Birthing Destiny Masterclass Video Package


What you'll get:

  1. Self Confidence -A life plan that truly reflects your personality 
  2. Identity-Institute your plan to achieve greatness
  3. Purpose-Secure pathway to personal excellence
  4. Motivation-Daily habits that produce personal success
  5. Self-Worth-Proven pathway to your desired future 

Online Personal Coaching Sessions with

Consultant and CEO of TrueMe.business George Roath

Items Included in your purchase:
  1. 3-30 minutes Coaching Video sessions 
Most people allow their emotions to dictate their lives and opportunities. Your emotions were never meant to operate at that capacity. 
Emotions are lenses that we use to interpret situations and contexts. Through this interpretation process we learn how to communicate with our destiny through our subconscious mind. 
This conversation with our subconscious allows our imagination to create a desired future that is fruitful and abundant. This enables the destiny to download into the conscience mind. 
This imprinting process enables the mind, body, and spirit to become one highly functioning organism that produces our desired destiny.
You will discover the strength needed to conquer every obstacle and the will power needed to defeat every negative thought. You will fully understand that the person that controls your life is YOU! 
You are taking back control of your life. Your pursuit of destiny will reveal to you the fruits of the universe and the universe will yield the rewards you deserve for your labor. 
This will give you the power to call into existence any resource you need to transform your life and the world. 
You’re in the crossroads. But this time the pathway to prosperity is clear! ACT NOW and begin BIRTHING YOUR DESTINY!
  • 10 steps process to birthing your destiny

    • Values
    • Pains
    • Motivations
    • Fallacies
    • Education
    • Plan
    • Faith
    • Persistence
    • Dealing with Devastation
    • Decoding Failure

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